Unknown Lights . 2020

We live and survive together, creating bonds and bridges that inspire and influence us.

Sometimes, an unknown look or touch brings me inspiration, as so, I try to transport what I see in the mind to the physical world. 

Everything that surrounds us is showed to us in different forms. In addition to the human ideology, we also define ourselves by things that we can’t see or even explain in words. When we rediscover new spots, we have to let ourselves explore what is strange so we are able to create maps and paths that makes us feel free and gives us the opportunity to move on to different adventures. 

By observing deeply, I feel that I can steal souls and represent them through out the transparency of the colors that I use in the paintings, like this I am not only representing what I see, but also what I feel.

Once again I define myself in lines, colors and matter to create a new form of a human transparency. Living in this way, I feel that I can inspire every step of my life. I appropriate the unknown souls and make them into objects, changing their names, identity and their meaning of being.

Used Materials: Acrylic and oil on Wood and Paper and swen and carved details.


Leaves in Brasil