About Me

The Fine Arts, and especially Painting, exist in my life as an addiction.

My name is Rita Fugaz, I am a Portuguese artist born and raised in Porto. I can say that my artistic work is marked by lines, and blue and green tones. I believe that the most relevant characteristic of my art lies in the creation of different painting projects combined with text. These proposals have served to communicate my vision on matters related to being and nature.

In addition to the motif, I give a big importance to the matter, and it is through this body that each work appears in the physical world and ceases to exist only in its psychological world. After a long process of discovery and interiorization of the artistic reality, I found a direction that represents me today.

I can say that I am peace and density at the same time. Sometimes the back of my paintings become the front, and the front becomes the back. I believe that we are a whole with interior and exterior, and for that reason, I am always trying to show both sides of an apparently peaceful vision.