Leaves in Brasil . 2022

I find myself among the footprints of a simple life, in the air that enters my nostrils, in the water that touches my skin, in the sun that soothes my soul. The eyes begin to dry and regain their brightness and desire to observe.

I feel this is what I am, this breeze that takes me without thinking, without torture or depth that doesn’t allow me to meditate. The roots stop growing only towards the center, expanding into the air and following new branches ready to be sprung, explored and internalized.

I walk! Each step I take clarifies the meaning of the thought, relieves the knot formed by the tangle of the spider’s web that unravels between the light touch of the thick fingers of the human being.

I saw a tree and a vase, and the invasion of the plant’s fine lines through the dense trunk made me stop, made me look. I don’t want to be the tree anymore, I want to become a vase and be the one who creates the cotton lines that define me. I leave the earth and focus on the air. I may evaporate but I will continue to fly.

Used Materials: Acrylic and oil on Canvas and wood and swen and carved details.


Indian Collection


Unknown Lights